Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alternative Materials: Wheat Board

I found this great article today about Sustainable Furniture:

Wheat or straw board is making an important impact in the construction and interior design world. It is made out out of wheat straw, which is an annually renewable resource. It can be painted and stained like wood and can be used for interior applications such as cabinetry, furniture and decorative wall applications.
In addition to the advantages for homeowners, farmers reap big benefits--the new products give them a market for a once-wasted by-product. Today, nearly 60 million acres of wheat are grown, and most of the straw is plowed under or incinerated after the usable portions are removed. It is now being sold to make a fiberboard that is comparable to plywood and can be used in millwork, flooring and furniture. This cuts down on air pollution from burning. The resulting product is inexpensive and readily available wherever there is grain production.
To make the boards, wheat-straw fibers are bound with resin that creates both physical and chemical bonds. The resin uses no formaldehyde, so the finished boards emit no unpleasant fumes. Weighing about 20 percent less than standard particleboard, a board made from wheat straw has a superior ability to hold screws and nails and is more resistant to moisture penetration. The lighter weight also makes it easy to transport.

I'm excited to offer Baltix http://www.baltix.com/ on board to offer not only Wheat Board but Corn, Sunflower, Bamboo and other sustainable materials. www.absoluteofficeoforegon.com